The global forum for EAP professionals
1ST JUNE 2024
Back to the Classroom - New Framework, New Balance?
As the world continues to emerge from the global pandemic that fundamentally changed the way we as EAP professionals worked, we reassess the balance within our roles.

Has adequate research and evaluation been conducted to establish whether the response to the global emergency is pedagogically effective and appropriate to the needs of students in a post-COVID world?

Attendance options

Please note that this is a hybrid event

Attend Offline

Venue: Nazarbayev University Campus

Date: 1 June 2024


1:30pm - 7:30pm Astana Time

9:30am - 3:30pm London Time

Price: 15 000 tenge

The PIM will be held in English

Certificate of attendance is offered for offline guests

Registration is over

Attend Online
There is an option to attend the Forum Online

Online registration - Closed

The PIM will be held in English

For more information please visit BALEAP website
Information for Speakers
How to apply? Please follow the instructions in "Call for Papers" section

Offline presenters: 15 000 tenge (via Payment section)

Online presenters: Please go to BALEAP website to explore payment options
BALEAP supports the professional development of those involved in learning, teaching, scholarship and research in English for Academic Purposes (EAP). It was founded in 1972 as SELMOUS (Special English Language Materials for Overseas University Students) and changed its name to The British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes in 1989 and then to BALEAP in 2010. Read more about BALEAP.
  • 1
    Effect on EAP courses
    Blended learning: What are the benefits and challenges for course design?
    Do blended courses impact the validity and rigour of EAP assessments?
    Has course design in the post-covid period maintained student engagement?
    There has been a significant impact on the EAP courses and we would like to focus on finding answers to certain questions in this matter. It would be important to find out what potential benefits and challenges are related to course design. In addition, attention should be directed at blended courses and their impact on assessment validity. Finally, an issue of students’ engagement should be addressed in terms of the post-covid period.
  • 2
    Effect on Teachers
    Has the isolation caused by online working during covid affected informal teacher collaboration?
    Teacher autonomy and opportunities for creativity: The online class, does one size fit all?
    Have new practices produced a new work life balance?
    Another important matter is related to the pandemic effect on teachers and their workload. We would like to explore whether online isolation has affected teachers’ collaboration. In terms of curriculum design and class interaction, we would like to find out the level of autonomy teachers had and if there was room for creativity. Finally, attention should be paid to work life balance which might have emerged from new practices.
  • 3
    Effect on Students
    Are students receiving the same quality of education in the post-covid university?
    Has the experience of online learning eroded academic integrity?
    Tutorials and feedback: student voice vs. teacher voice?
    We would also like to consider students’ experience and any effects the post-pandemic regime has had on them. We would like to explore whether the same quality education is given to students in the post-covid university, touching on the area of academic integrity. Finally, attention should be directed to tutorials and feedback, both spoken and written and evaluate both teacher and student voice in this context.
Call for Papers
Follow 3 easy steps to apply
Deadline for proposals: 12th of April 2024

Suggested areas of Interest for Papers:

  • Blended learning: benefits and challenges for course design
  • Maintaining student engagement in the post-covid period
  • Effects of covid on teacher collaboration
  • Teacher autonomy and opportunities for creativity post-covid
  • New practices vs. new life balance
  • Student education delivery in the post-covid university
  • Online learning and the erosion of academic integrity
  • Tutorials and feedback: student’s voice vs. teacher’s voice
  • 1
    Download the proposal form
  • 2
    Fill in the proposal form
    Please fill in all the details
  • 3
    Send the proposal form

    Please send the proposal form to and indicate "call for papers" in the subject line

  • Ashimbayev Maulen Sagathanuly

    In May 2020, Mr. Ashimbayev was appointed a Senator by the Order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and as the Speaker of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (sixth convocation). He has graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University and Tufts University, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (USA). He has a Master's degree in International Relations and the degree of Candidate in Political Sciences.

  •  Liz Wilding

    Liz Wilding is Professor and Transnational Education (TNE) Programme Director at the International Study and Language Institute, University of Reading (UK). She has held leadership roles in EAP teaching and management for over 20 years. Her academic interests focus on supporting international students’ transition into higher education and TNE. She is co-convenor of the BALEAP TNE special interest group.

  • Dr. Loretta O'Donnell

    Dr. Loretta O'Donnell, Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs since August 2013, plays a vital role in academic planning, learning, and teaching, integrating research at Nazarbayev University. With over 20 years of teaching experience, she presents globally on Eurasian higher education themes and holds diverse academic qualifications.

Please contact us
Tel. +7 702 555 8197